April 21, 2024

Fourth Sunday of EasteR

by Fr. Jonah Teller OP

Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,

Fr. Jonah here, filling in for Fr. Boniface while he’s away (though he’ll be back by the time this is published). I just want to encourage you to stop by the church this Friday evening, April 26, anytime between 8 and 11 p.m. That evening we’re holding our second installation of NightFire, an event designed for evangelizing the neighborhood. The church will be lit almost exclusively by candlelight, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on the altar for adoration, and there will be beautiful music provided by the School of Sacred Music and our own parishioners. The goal, again, is to evangelize our neighborhood by inviting those walking by the church to come in and light a candle or pray with our parishioners in the church. We’ll also have a friar hearing confessions that whole time. Consider stopping by or praying for the success of this event!

Fr. Jonah, O.P.


April 28, 2024


April 14, 2024